Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Whole30? Whole-huh?

I swear I'm going to get back on track soon, but today was not the day.  Actually, this week will probably not be the week either.  I need this week to process and while I am all for the idea that clean eating = clean mind, um ya, this is one of those moments where having a foggy mind might not be that bad.

It's amazing to me (and my sweet friend Alison who pointed it out) that the world sometimes adjusts to give you exactly what you need.  The steady rain outside my window was exactly that - an agreement with the Universe that staying in bed all day was totally OK.

Nothing screams good friend like a night of Bachelor Pad, wine, and Velveeta shells and cheese.  I can't think of a better reason to get out of bed and brush my teeth than that kind of invitation -- it was exactly what I needed tonight.  A shower was definitely in order and just the act of getting dressed and getting moving made me feel better.

No, there was nothing "clean" about tonight's get together, God knows the Bachelor Pad doesn't come even close to sanitary, but tonight was another reminder to me that my life is already whole.  It may not be Whole30 in that sense, but it's whole and complete and perfect for just being mine.

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