Sunday, August 12, 2012

On Wholed

When life gives you lemons, eat Oreos.  Upside down and turned inside out with sadness, I needed to put my Whole30 on hold.... for now.  Some things are just meant for wine, ice cream, and really amazing good friends.  Tonight, when I write with tears, I trust that the universe has good things in store for me and one day I'll look back on this and know it was meant to be.

When I signed up for the Challenge of changing my life for 30 days, I had no idea the ways in which my life would be altered....  So, for tonight, wine in hand and regret for last night's Oreo's, I'm putting the Whole30 on hold.

I mentioned the other day that I'm looking for the positives and today I'm considering more than just the positives of clean eating.  Nothing is better than feeling so loved by the people who love you - nothing is more positive than that.  I am that loved and I am so grateful.


  1. Yes, you are that loved.

    You'll get through. And you'll be so much happier when you get to the other side, you may just surprise yourself.

  2. Maybe the "Once upon a time" story you should tell the girls tonight should have something to do with you being the best sister a girl could want. Love you xo
