Friday, August 10, 2012

C is for Cookie

Or cashew, or cherrie, or candy, or chardonnay, or C'mon!!  Talk about a snack attack...

Last night realllllllly got the best of me.  I'm telling you, I'm one of those crazy snackers that would eat baking chocolate dunked in brown sugar if it was in my cupboards.  Thank God, I can't bake, so I have none of that crap in my cabinets or I'd have dumped it down my gullet before you could say, Whole30. 

So, I snacked cleanly even though I'm not supposed to snack at all on this Challenge.  Cashews and cherries are hardly *bad*, right?!?  I guess it's the fact that I ate waaaaay too many to feel OK about it.  Is it weird that I had a cherry stem tongue tying contest with myself?  Probably no more weird than sitting at home on a Friday night by myself counting how many cherries I've devoured before feeling completely guilty.

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