Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Horrid? Who me?

Somethin's gotta give.  I mean, seriously.  I'm as big as I've ever been, I feel like crap, I'm squishy in places that shouldn't have squish, and I'm just plain ole over it.

Today I start the Whole30 Challenge.  Bring. It. On.

As a self-confessed high fructose corn syrup junky, a carboholic, and a wine-o at heart, this is going to be a challenge alright.  I've tried almost everything to get fit, from hcg to Atkins, to Perricone, the Zone, back to Atkins (this time it'll be different!) vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, and finally just said, "sca-rew-it!" and started eating pretty much whatever I could get my hands on.

Becoming friends with Moderation wasn't even in the cards.  I've always hated that skinny b*itch anyway.  I mean, give me a break, who can eat just ONE Oreo?!  Um, duh.  Nope, Moderation and I have never seen eye to eye, so I've decided to jump straight in, cold turkey, both feet, head first, into the Whole30.

Over the next 30 days, I am going to treat my body like the temple that it is.  Aahhh....yes, my body is my temple.  Repeat after me.... Body = temple, Body = temple.  Hey, I gotta say it if I'm going to actually believe it and make it happen!  

My diet will consist of mainly vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and proteins.  Not a single Cheez It, Red Vine, Ben or Jerry shall cross these lips, as I will be nourishing my body with foods only a cavewoman would enjoy -- now doesn't that sound zen-like. Grass fed meats, wild caught sustainable fish, pasture raised eggs and poultry, loads of veggies and fruits, and lots and lots of water.  Clean eatin' here I come!

I weighed in this morning....gulp.  Gross.  Perhaps the ice cream I ate for dinner wasn't my best option, but c'mon, it was the Last Supper after all.  Not only did I wake up feeling groggy and sluggish, I swear I had a new cavity from the damage I did to that bag of Skittles I ate for dessert.  Wow.  I really showed that sugar who was boss last night....aaaaannnd, I'm paying for it today.

Given how gross I feel this morning, I can't wait to start living cavewoman style.  Fortunately, this cavewoman won't be beating a wild boar over the head tonight for dinner.... although, there may be head beating in my future, I'm fairly certain it will only be mine, against a wall, as I battle my way through the next 30 days of sugar cravings.

Deep breath...... and...... GO!

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