Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sugar, Get in Ma Belly!

I'm hitting the wall.  The sugary wall of temptation.  Damn you high fructose corn syrup!  

Today has been the toughest of my Whole30 challenge. It's Day 4 and I'm starting to have some serious sugar cravings - why now?!? I am so used to being bored or stressed and reaching for the first piece of sugar that comes across my path - wait, who am I kidding, the first bag of sugar is more like it.

I had the day off today, so as soon as I had a little lull in my day, I instantly started craving something, actually anything sweet. I've cleaned out all sugar from my house, but I'm fairly certain if I looked hard enough I could find a stray Jolly Rancher or Dove chocolate laying around somewhere. AGH!! Must stay on track.... must stay on track....

I had wacky dreams last night (again) but my mother didn't join me from the clinker, so that was a bonus.  I'm not feeling hungry, yet I'm super struggling with my need to snack.  I just can't believe that in 30 days I'm going to be magically cured of the sugar beast that has haunted me for the past 30 something years.  My cravings for sugar, my constant over indulging and my complete inability to just have one of anything, supposedly all going to vanish from my psyche.  Poof.  The jury is still out....

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! You are freaking hilarious and although I can't help you by joining you in this quest (wine and I are soulmates) I will read your blog and encourage you!! Go Stef!!
